Humans lived their lives, many unaware of a powerful force in the universe, strong enough to swallow the earth and even the sun. Often originating from a dying star, this power, called a “black hole” may one day destroy mankind.
An object travelling fast enough, may escape from the pull of the galaxies, but even at the speed of light, nothing can escape from the pull of the black hole. Anything near a black hole is destroyed. The black hole’s size is often much smaller than a star, but weighs like a massive star and gravity makes it strong enough to destroy objects many times larger.
An object travelling fast enough, may escape from the pull of the galaxies, but even at the speed of light, nothing can escape from the pull of the black hole. Anything near a black hole is destroyed. The black hole’s size is often much smaller than a star, but weighs like a massive star and gravity makes it strong enough to destroy objects many times larger.
A team of researchers from Australia spotted the creation of black holes, starting from gamma rays emitted by a dying star, which mass ultimately collapsed inwards until the entire star is squeezed into a microscopic point. Every thousand years, a new black hole is created. The black hole never dies and it is estimated to have about ten million black holes in the universe. However, their actual locations are not known. They are detected from the damage and debris in its trail.
The only way to track a black hole is through light, its gravitational pull is so powerful that it can even distort light. As such, when it passes a star, the star’s light is distorted. Some astronomer calls is “gravitational micro lensing”. Through these observations, they have discovered a massive black hole located in the middle of our galaxy. This finding is astonishing, because there are possibilities that the entire solar system can be wiped out.
My mapping
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